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JIN Corner


The JIN (Junior Investigators Network) is a network of research faculty with interests in basic, clinical, and translational research. The JIN supports networking, faculty engagement, and co-sponsors interactive educational and professional development sessions to address challenges facing new investigators, the development of collaborative research, and mentor training.

Connect with the JIN weekly!

Are you experiencing challenges with your research?

Want to learn more ways to collaborate?

Then join us every Thursday at 9 a.m. for a quick 20-minute call!

Meeting ID: 256 814 907 923 | Passcode: zXPKhM

Or call in (audio only) +1 469-253-5858
Phone conference ID: 238 561 317#

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JIN News & Features

Tech Talk: Data linkages for pharmacoepidemiology: Case study on effects of shingles vaccination in older adults

Data linkages for pharmacoepidemiology: Case study on effects of shingles vaccination in older adults Thursday April 3, 2024 from 12:00-1:00pm Virtual Teams Presentation In April’s TechTalk, Daniel Harris, Ph.D., will… Read More »Tech Talk: Data linkages for pharmacoepidemiology: Case study on effects of shingles vaccination in older adults

Tech Talk: Integrating Multiscale modeling and Machine Learning In Computational Medicine

Integrating Multiscale modeling and Machine Learning In Computational Medicine Thursday March 6, 2024 from 12:00-1:00pm Virtual Teams Presentation Computational models have revolutionized our understanding of complex biological systems. These models… Read More »Tech Talk: Integrating Multiscale modeling and Machine Learning In Computational Medicine

Tech Talk: Using Cross-Classified Multilevel Models To Estimate The Impact Of Patient-Level Risk Factors And Time-Varying Hospital Until On Healthcare-Associated Clostridioides Difficile Infection

Using Cross-Classified MultilevelModels To Estimate The Impact Of Patient-Level Risk Factors And Time-VaryingHospital Until On Healthcare-Associated Clostridioides Difficile Infection Thursday November 7, 2024 from 12:00-1:00pm Virtual Teams Presentation The use… Read More »Tech Talk: Using Cross-Classified Multilevel Models To Estimate The Impact Of Patient-Level Risk Factors And Time-Varying Hospital Until On Healthcare-Associated Clostridioides Difficile Infection

Tech Talk: Expanding aiNsect’s Data Footprint for Equitable Health Outcomes In Our Lifetime

Expanding aiNsect’s Data Footprint for Equitable Health Outcomes In Our Lifetime Thursday August 1, 2024 from 12:00-1:00pm Virtual Teams Presentation Fruit flies have been used as model organisms for over… Read More »Tech Talk: Expanding aiNsect’s Data Footprint for Equitable Health Outcomes In Our Lifetime

ISPCTN Professional Development

ECHO IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network (ISPCTN) evidence-based clinical research courses that aim to increase investigators’ and research teams’ overall clinical research competency and prepare them for conducting clinical trials.

The JIN Channel hosts a variety of educational videos filled with tips and tricks, presentations from our own JIN members, and information about locally available resources.

Did you know the JIN has their own funding mechanism?

Mentored Research Development Awards provide more limited support for a shorter period of time for junior investigators to focus on writing aims and developing a grant proposal. Awardees are supported by the ACCEL Professional Development Core and also attend training sessions, workshops, and networking activities for beginning scientists.

Things to Know About the DE CTR ACCEL Program

The ACCEL program, supported by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institutes of Health, aims to enhance research capacity in states with historically low NIH funding. This slides linked below provide an overview of the program's structure, funding sources, and key policies, along with essential guidelines for award management and compliance.