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RECAP: Community Research Exhange 2023

This was ACCEL’s first Community Research Exchange (CRE) in person since March 2020 and we’re so glad you joined us! This year’s conference highlighted the facilitation and importance of community… Read More »RECAP: Community Research Exhange 2023

ACCEL investigators publish in Public Health Reports

A group of Delaware researchers recently published a paper detailing the results of their investigation into pediatric care engagement during COVID-19 revealing persistent health disparities equal to pre-pandemic levels. According… Read More »ACCEL investigators publish in Public Health Reports

DE-CTR ACCEL members author, co-author articles in May’s DE Journal of Public Health

A number of the articles in May’s issue are authored and co-authored by individuals who’ve been involved with the Delaware Clinical and Translational Research (DE-CTR) ACCEL Program in some manner!… Read More »DE-CTR ACCEL members author, co-author articles in May’s DE Journal of Public Health

Community Research Exchange 2022 equips researchers, community for engaged research

This year’s Delaware Clinical and Translational Research (DE-CTR) ACCEL Program Community Research Exchange focused on incorporating community engagement across and throughout the translational research spectrum, encouraging community participation at every… Read More »Community Research Exchange 2022 equips researchers, community for engaged research

ACCEL Community Advisory Council Chair pens COVID-19 vaccination commentary in DE Journal of Public Health

Marlene A. Saunders, DSW, LMSW, MSW authors “Dispelling COVID-19 Myths: Implications of Vaccination Acceptance by African Americans and Others in Marginalized Communities” article recently published in the Delaware Journal of… Read More »ACCEL Community Advisory Council Chair pens COVID-19 vaccination commentary in DE Journal of Public Health

Have you ever come to the DE-CTR ACCEL website looking for helpful information and you weren't sure where to go? Let's break it down!

Along the left side of this page is a list of clickable categories:

    • ACCEL Accolades - Articles about our ACCEL researchers' published works, poster presentations, honors/awards, graduating to non-ACCEL funding or furthering their ACCEL investigations, etc. All the good news from ACCEL researchers, staff, and leadership!

    • ACCEL Tip Line - Articles and posts for all the "tips and tricks," helpful advice, and useful tools are part of the ACCEL Tip Line.

    • Ask the Researcher - Our recurring "Ask the Researchers" in which we ask ACCEL researchers from all of our partner institutions and organizations to answer the same 5 questions.

    • Events Calendar - View all of ACCEL's events or other non-ACCEL hosted events.

    • Featured - Want to see everything that's scrolling at the top of our homepage? Check here!

    • Funding Opportunities and Help - Announcement's regarding ACCEL's available funding grants including Pilot Grants, Shovel-Ready Pilot Grants, Jumpstart Grants, and Mentored Research Development Award Programs, can be found here. In addition, non-ACCEL related funding opportunity announcements also can be found here.

    • News - This section includes announcements, events, or other newsworthy posts related to clinical and translational research, ACCEL, and the DE-CTR partner organizations and institutions.

    • Research Meets Community - Articles and posts relating to community engagement, community engaged research, and translating health research into policy and practice are part of our Research Meets Community category.

    • Research Spotlight - Articles and posts focusing on ACCEL researchers and research projects / work are featured in our Research Spotlight. These spotlights cover all research subjects and all levels of investigators.

Below the Resource Categories is a section entitled Resource Tags. Think of these as keywords or hashtags linked across all the articles and posts within ACCEL's Resources section.

    • Each tag is clickable and will take you to a page that brings all the articles and posts together in one spot that have been tagged with that keyword. For example, if you were to click "National COVID Cohort Collaborative" you will be taken to a single page with over 6 posts related to the N3C and you can choose the most relevant post to you.

    • The number next to each tag word or phrase tells you how many articles and posts are related to that particular tag. The more articles and posts with a particular tag equates to a larger font size for that tag.

At the bottom of the left sidebar is a clickable button "View Newsletter Archives" to take you to all of our previous ACCEL E-News to Use newsletters.

Use the Search Bar at the top of the website next to the Resources tab to find exactly what you're looking for! The search bar will provide posts and information from across the entire DE-CTR ACCEL website.