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ACCEL BERD Core Members Present at 2024 NISBRE Conference

Members of the DE CTR ACCEL Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) core attended and presented at the NISBRE 2024 Conference held in Washington, DC June 16 – June 19, 2024. NISBRE is the National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence. Information about the event can be found on the conference website:

The information below depicts the involvement of the partner institutions of BERD core members from University of Delaware, Delaware State University, Nemours, and ChristianaCare.

The presentations and posters to note include: 

Podium Presentations

  • Zugui Zhang, ChristianaCare presentation:The Effectiveness of the Community Health Workers Program in Primary Care in Delaware: Impact on Health Utilities and Outcomes
  • Shanshan Ding, University of DE presentation: Machine learning and causal inference in high dimensional survival analysis
  • Jobayer Hossein, Nemours presentation: Precision Race-Ethnic Disparity in Mortality Risk in Pediatric Cancers: A Study Using SEER Data


  • Claudine Jurkovitz, ChristianaCare Health Services, Inc. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Screening in Delaware.
    • Co-Authors: Yeonjoo Yi, Kevin Ndura, Krishna Vasireddy, Kiran Kattepogu, Brian Nam. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: ChristianaCare Health Services, Inc., Delaware Health Information Network. CTR
  • Claudine T. Jurkovitz, ChristianaCare Health Services, Inc. BERD: A Biostatistics Epidemiology Research Design core for the Delaware IDeA Network.
    • Co-Authors: None.
  • Keshab Subedi, ChristianaCare Health System. Risk Factors and Implications of Leaving Without Treatment from the Emergency Department.
    • Co-Authors: Keshab Subedi. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Not Listed.
  • Suzanne McCahan, Nemours Children’s Health. Nemours Biomedical Research Informatics Center (BRIC).
    • Co-Authors: Chris Pennington, Eileen Antico, Steve Vijayan, Cara Reedy, Lynn Allen, Brad Samuel, Mckenzie Camacho, Michael Schoenbeck, Evan Miller, Qi Zheng, Nicholas Elison, H. Tim Bunnell, Eric Hall. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: Not Listed. CTR
  • Derald E. Wentzien, Delaware State University. The Creation of a Dashboard to Track the Accomplishments of the Research Capacity Core at Delaware State University
    • Co-Authors:  None. INBRE
  • Christopher A Pennington, Nemours Children’s Health. Facilitating Research Data Exchange among Delaware Healthcare Providers Using OMOP and FHIR.
    • Co-Authors: Claudine Jurkovitz, Bill Moyers, H. Timothy Bunnell. Co-Authors Institutional Affiliations: ChristianaCare Health Service, Inc., Nemours Children’s Health. CTR

Other Investigators who worked with BERD scientists for their projects:

  • Leela Thomas, podium presentation: Influence of social determinants on maternal and infant complications of gestational diabetes mellitus. 
    • She will present new results from an ACCEL-CTR pilot she received several years ago.  BERD scientists, Zugui Zhang and Claudine Jurkovitz are co-Investigators on her project
  • Hamed Fayyaz, podium presentation (flash talk): An Interoperable ML Pipeline for Pediatric Obesity Risk Prediction using Commonly Available EHR Data.
    • Hamed is a Graduate student in the Computer Sciences Department at UD and will present results from a study funded by a CTR supplement exploring the use of FHIR and OMOP- based EHR to predict obesity.  The PI for this project is Dr. Beheshti from University of Delaware. Collaborators include Tim Bunnell from Nemours and Claudine Jurkovitz from ChristianaCare.

Jobayer Hossain, PhD, one of our BERD core team members, was notified that they have been selected for an award based on an abstract submitted for the upcoming NISBRE 2024 conference.  Please see below:

  • Jobayer Hossain, PhD (Director, Biostatistics Program; Senior Research Scientist, Nemours Biomedical Research; Research Professor, Pediatrics, Thomas Jefferson University) has been selected to receive one of the NISBRE2024 Merit Awards (National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence) based on the abstract submitted for the conference. Congratulations !!!